Coaching, Training or Consulting Process

Initial talk
In our initial talk (which is free of charge) we will decide what is required and we will agree if coaching, training or consulting is the right way forward.
The COACHING starts with an intake session in which we will try find out your personal coaching question and your coaching goal.
For TRAINING and CONSULTING sometimes more meetings are needed to make sure the requirements are clear and we will draft a final proposition.

An average for COACHING is six to seven sessions of one and a half hours each but more or less sessions are planned according to your wishes.
The amount of TRAINING session varies widely upon request. This difers from one morning to a year program.
CONSULTING can be a one-time small or multiple year larger projectt. It is usual that the consultant is at your premises regularly.

Personal reflection
Personal reflection of the client after COACHING and TRAINING is highly recommended. To heighten self-awareness and effectivity.
While CONSULTING feedback is asked at regular intervals, so plans can be adjusted and adapted.
​For individuals, groups, organisations and companies.
Charges for COACHING and TRAINING are often (partly) paid by the employer in the case of:
Career, skill and competency development.
To prevent sick-leave.
Insurance companies do reimburse:
Alternative medicine
Psycho-social help
Do check with your employer or insurance company for reimbursement possibilities.
CONSULTING fees are based upon the requirements, time and frequency.
Please feel free to ask for a quotation adapted to your company’s or private requirements.
The COACHING or TRAINING sessions will either be at Irene’s home office or at a location chosen and agreed by both parties.
This can be at your place of work, your house, a meeting place or even outdoors during a walking session.
CONSULTANCY requires a feel of the organisation and a site visit is prefered.